Stand out from the crowd

Get the graduate job you actually want with the strategies, insights and tips used by the best.
Tailored to your ambitions and delivered through our digital, self-paced platform.

We've helped people land jobs at the world's biggest and most desirable employers:

...and dozens more!

About us

We've been there, done that, and helped dozens along the way.
Now we're putting all of it into GradWay.

Levi Romanov
Levi started his career at Kearney, a global management consulting firm where in addition to being a consultant he re-developed the recruitment and screening process. After working as a consultant, he joined the leadership team of Zoomo, a global mobility scale-up. At Zoomo, Levi was involved in hiring for more than 30 different roles. Levi holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sydney, and will be starting his MBA at Harvard Business School later this year.

Brian Kelly
Brian also started his career as a management consultant at Kearney and was a campus recruitment lead for 5 years. He then took up a role at Antler, a global venture capital firm, where he screened and invested in more than 25 different founders. He is also an advisor to CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency. Brian holds a combined Bachelor of Commerce and Law from the University of Sydney and is currently completing his MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Business.

Our promise

Getting a grad job doesn't need to be so hard

Today, it's hard to know what's out there and where to start

So many different companies and paths you can pursue, but from the outside you don't know what you're getting yourself into

Advice is overwhelming, generic and incomplete

Too much advice out there, impossible to consolidate it into an action plan you can use for your graduate appliactions

Nothing is specific to your personal situation and needs

Too much focus on industries, companies and roles, not enough on how to harness what's unique about you and makes you the best candidate

We have everything you need to get the job you actually want

A clear strategy
from the get-go

We start by understanding your situation and aspirations so we can chart a course to your dream graduate position

The full picture in one place
and at your pace

No fragmented advice - we've consolidated everything you'll need from company selection to networking and acing the interview

Tailored to you
to bring out your best

Our approach revolves around you, not just building 'good' applications. Everyone has unique strengths - we help you articulate yours

Job search got you feeling lost?
Let us point you in the right direction.

Not convinced? Hear from our clients